Kick Ass' 2
What made go and see this film:
I saw the first Kick Ass and i enjoyed it so it made me want to watch the sequal. Also by seeing the trailer also encouraged me to go and watch the film.
Did you like or dislike this film?
I enjoyed this film very much as it made me laugh constantly through out the movie.
What factors impacted on your enjoyment or lack of enjoyment on the film?:
The main factor was the superhero theme in the movie but also how it was mixed with comedy made it very funny and enjoyable to watch.

The Conjuring
What made me go and see this movie?
I saw the trailer which i thought was very well made and also i am a big horror movie fan so that also made me want to go and watch the movie.
Did you like or dislike the film?
I had mixed feeling for this films because at some parts i felt that there could of been much more happening and it is also a slow starting movie but then there were also other parts in the movie which i thought that were fantastic and filled with suspense.
What factors impacted your enjoyment or lack of enjoyment on the film?
The main factor that made me enjoy the film was the amount of suspense there was at some scenes and the use of noises through out the movie but the things that made a lack of enjoyment for the film was the speed of the film and the lack of events happening.
A good level of detail. We will refer back to your responses here later in the term.